Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Just received a note from Hans Flagon aka James Enck about the book. He has a highly entertaining blog with some really interesting firsthand tales of his time in Memphis in the 70s and 80s with Tav Falco, The Panther Burns (touring member), Alex Chilton, and a cast of many Memphis luminaries and legends. I hereby nominate Hans to write the 33 1/3 book about Behind the Magnolia Curtain! Hans put in request for some Blue Reimondos recordings. I'll admit to being a bit behind the curve on that front but will do my homework on how to post some mp3s for your listening pleasure...


James Enck said...

Thanks for the linkage, but "Hans Flagon aka James Enck"? Not sure where you're coming from there. I'm James Enck aka James Enck. Plenty of info here: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&rlz=1C1GGLS_en-GBGB318FR318&q=james+enck&btnG=Search&meta=

B. E. said...

Hi James. Sorry for the mix-up. Someone named Hans Flagon sent me your link and from the way it read I got the erroneous impression that you were also "Hans" (who spent time in Memphis in the 80s). At any rate, loved your stories. Really great.